Many of our professional organizations have released position statements outlining policy recommendations to address gun violence.

We’ve created a handout you can share when speaking to legislators that includes the chart below, in addition to other statistics on the gun violence epidemic. It also includes links to full-text copies of the position statements referenced to create this chart. You can also click here to print out a copy of our letter and signatures to share with your elected officials.

The Giffords organization has a wealth of information available on the four policy priorities outlined above that can be helpful when speaking to lawmakers about why our country’s public health experts recommend these approaches to addressing gun violence:

  1. Universal Background Checks

  2. Waiting Periods for Firearm Purchases

  3. Extreme Risk Protection Order (Red Flag) Laws

  4. Restrictions on Assault-Style Weapons & High-Capacity Magazines

When advocating for firearm safety, our words matter.

The article Talking About “Firearm Injury” and “Gun Violence”: Words Matter from the American Journal of Public Health is an excellent resource to review, especially if this is your first time advocating for firearm safety legislation. You can also contact us at if you have specific questions to address.